Education Specialist (EDSP) Credential
In California, a person studying to be a special education teacher will work toward obtaining an Education Specialist (EDSP) credential. 这个证书允许你教各种科目的学生K-22. CUI学生获得轻度中等支持需求证书, which includes specific learning disabilities, mild to moderate intellectual disabilities, other health impairment, serious emotional disturbance, 授权在K-12年级和主要为22岁以下的成年人组织的班级提供服务. 有关此凭据的信息可在 CTC website.
CUI's Liberal Studies 该专业是加州基础科目准备(ESM)课程的一部分. Therefore, CUI students in this major who pursue the Multiple Subject credential will not be required to take the California Subject Examination Test (CSET).
如果你想在中学(6-12年级)教授特殊教育, 有些学区还会要求你获得a Single Subject credential in the specific content area. 这可以在获得初步EDSP证书后完成.
Credential coursework can be done as part of your undergraduate degree, 这意味着你可以同时完成学士学位和证书. 一些大学将其作为“混合”课程. We think it is just good sense. It will take 4, 4.5年,或者5年,这取决于你成为一名教师的速度.
如果你想在路德教会学校教书,你可以申请 Lutheran Teacher Certificate through Concordia University. 这可以通过你的本科专业和证书课程来完成.
教师教育项目的录取分为两部分. 你必须首先通过 University Admissions application process. A separate application for the School of Education 会在你开始入门教育课程后完成吗.
加利福尼亚州要求所有教师资格证书的候选人完成并通过 state approved tests 无论你上哪所学校,认证前都要进行评估. 康考迪亚大学的通识教育专业将为你准备这些考试.
Student Teaching and Placements for EDSP Candidates.
Read more about transfer students to CUI.
Why get your credential at CUI? Read what our graduates have to say.
Learn about your future professors in the School of Education Faculty profiles.
Questions? Send an email or call at 949-214-3350.